+381 21 303 53 99
Miše Dimitrijevića 12
Novi Sad, Serbia
2024 © LambdaWorks d.o.o.
We build digital products.
The social platform for digital assets.
Product discovery
Web development
Business analytics
Our role
Technology partner: product design, backend, frontend and web3 development
NF.Me is a social platform created for digital asset investors. The platform allows users to link multiple wallets and exchanges, showcase a full view of their NFT and crypto holdings, and track portfolio performance.

Together with the founders, we brainstormed the ideas that we then visualized through the UI. The team in parallel started research on how to do the technical implementation. Once all was validated we began the development of the web platform. Our team is actively involved in the further enhancement of the platform.

We can help bring your next idea to life.
+381 21 303 53 99
Miše Dimitrijevića 12
Novi Sad, Serbia

2024 © LambdaWorks d.o.o.
We build digital products.

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