+381 21 303 53 99
Miše Dimitrijevića 12
Novi Sad, Serbia
2024 © LambdaWorks d.o.o.
We build digital products.
Creating a task force from your network
Web development
Mobile development
LW product
Our role
Product development: infrastructure, backend & frontend development, business intelligence & product management
NagNag is a task management platform that leverages the power of SMS messaging to ensure reliable and hassle-free execution.

NagNag has a simple idea: to bring order to chaos in organizations where there is no streamlined process. The idea is simple, but the technical challenges were not. Generative software design, progressive standards, and complex integrations allow NagNag to be a flexible and adaptable piece of technology.

We can help bring your next idea to life.
+381 21 303 53 99
Miše Dimitrijevića 12
Novi Sad, Serbia

2024 © LambdaWorks d.o.o.
We build digital products.

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