+381 21 303 53 99
Miše Dimitrijevića 12
Novi Sad, Serbia
2024 © LambdaWorks d.o.o.
We build digital products.
Making vehicle exports a breeze
Product discovery
Web development
Our role
Product development: product management, product design, backend and frontend development
Export Online is an online service that provides customs clearance procedures for the export of vehicles. The service simplifies and accelerates export procedures for physical persons, companies and even forwarding companies.

The company management came to us with an existing app, that had problems with downtime, reliability, and general bad user experience. Our goal was to transform the user-facing part of the platform as well as the back office used by employees. We started by simplifying the user experience and reworking the product. Making a better experience for the users and creating a better work process for the employees. Then we started building the application on a stack that allows for more stability and scalability, resulting in more business opportunities.

We can help bring your next idea to life.
+381 21 303 53 99
Miše Dimitrijevića 12
Novi Sad, Serbia

2024 © LambdaWorks d.o.o.
We build digital products.

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