+381 21 303 53 99
Miše Dimitrijevića 12
Novi Sad, Serbia
2024 © LambdaWorks d.o.o.
We build digital products.
Marketing platform for the big leagues
Web development
Our role
Technology partner: backend development
bexio is a Swiss-based SME management platform with over 50,000 paying customers. With customer management, order processing, easy bookkeeping and much more, bexio truly helps people stay on top of things.

We're a long-term technology partner to bexio, working together with various teams within bexio, helping to further grow, modernize and maintain what is an ever-growing platform.

We can help bring your next idea to life.
+381 21 303 53 99
Miše Dimitrijevića 12
Novi Sad, Serbia

2024 © LambdaWorks d.o.o.
We build digital products.

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